Termo vrecko, Magic-Therm, TermoKlik, ThermoKlik, WarmUp
Umožňuje nám zobrať si príjemné teplo všade tam, kam potrebujeme. Kryštalizovaním tekutiny vo vnútri vrecúška sa uvoľní veľké množstvo tepla. Kryštalizáciu môže užívateľ hocikedy spustiť. Po použití je jeho regenerácia jednoduchá a rýchla, viacnásobne použitelná.
Čo je tento zázrak?
Umožňuje nám zobrať si príjemné teplo všade tam, kam potrebujeme. Kryštalizovaním tekutiny vo vnútri vrecúška sa uvoľní veľké množstvo tepla. Kryštalizáciu môže užívateľ hocikedy spustiť. Po použití je jeho regenerácia jednoduchá a rýchla, viacnásobne použitelná.
Možnosti využívania produktu sú v rozličných sférach: v lekárstve (na zmiernenie reumatických bolestí končatín a dolnej časti chrbta, bolesti ucha, bolesti pri natiahnutí svalov); v turistike (zimné športy, kempovanie v chladnom počasí, poľovníctvo, rybárstvo), v kozmetike a v mnohých ďalších oblastiach. Výhodou tohto produktu je jeho využitie bez prívodu elektriny, ako i jeho dezinfekcia pri regenerácií v horúcej vode.
Ako funguje?
Kruhovú platňu nachádzajúcu sa vo vnútri vrecka ohneme, včom sa tekutina začne kryštalizovať a jeho obsah sa nahreje cca na teplotu 50°C. Popri kryštalizácii je výhodné produkt vložiť do tepelnoizolačného púzdra a následne ho priložiť na želané miesto. Teplé TermoKlik vrecko sa postupne ochladzuje v závislosti od vonkajšej teploty v trvaní od 1/2 do 1 hodiny.
Ako funguje?
Vložme vychladnuté, stuhnuté TermoKlik vrecko do hrnca s vriacou vodou (doporučujeme okraje a spodok hrnca obaliť textíliou, aby sa nám produkt nemohol pripáliť). Varíme vodu cca 15-20 minút, kým sa biele kryštály v TermoKlik vrecku rozpustia a premenia sa naspäť na priehladnú tekutinu. Po vychladnutí TermoKlik vrecka je produkt znovu a znovu používateľný. V prípade, že sme regeneráciu prerušili v čase pred celkovou premenou kryštálov na tekutinu, tak sa pri ochladzovaní vrecúško opäť skryštalizuje (treba zopakovať regeneračný proces).
ZÁKAZ regenerovať produkt v mikrovlnnej rúre!!
Oblasti využívania
Zmiernenie reumatických bolesti končatín a dolnej časti chrbta, bolestí ucha, menštruačných bolestí, bolesti pri natiahnutí svalov, v prípadoch problému s krvným obehom a v prípadoch, keď lekár doporučuje teplý zábal.
šport a relaxácia:
Ideálne riešenie na zabránenie prechladnutia, podchladenia pri zimnom športovaní (lyžovanie, korčulovanie, sánkovanie), pri riadení motocikla, kempovani, poľovníctve a rybárčení v chladnom prostredí.
Teplom napomáha v kozmetike k vstrebávaniu bioaktívnych látok v pleťovom zábale. Tento spôsob je oveľa pohodlnejší, než doteraz v tejto oblasti aplikované princípy. Navyše nedokáže popáliť pokožku, pretože sa jeho teplota nezvýši nad 52°C.
Oblasť techniky a domácnosti:
ľahko použiteľný na zohrievanie alebo udržiavanie tepla ľubovoľných predmetov, čo môže byť kojenecká fľaša, resp. olejový filter motorového vozidla. Častokrát sa využíva na vyhrievanie postelí.
Obsah TermoKlik vrecka je vodný roztok octana sodného, ktorý nie je jedovatý, neobsahuje zdraviu škodlivé látky. Ak sa vrecúško vyderaví, stane sa nepoužívateľným, jeho obsah sa vykryštalizuje. Pri styku s okom, resp. pokožkou jednoducho opláchneme vodou.

(8x5cm, 50g)
4 €

6 €

(10cm, 110g)
6 €

6 €

(19x13cm, 200g)
8 €

(520g, 40x14cm)
15 €

05_Feet S
S (32-35) / 1 pair
9 €

05_Feet M
M (36-39) / 1 pair
13 €

05_Feet L
L (40-43) / 1 pair
14 €

05_Feet XL
XL (44-46) / 1 pair
14 €

20 €

(1200g, 50x30cm)
21 €

(70g, 9x6cm)
5 €

(11cm, 110g)
7 €

(20×20 cm, 400g)
14 €

(45×25 cm, 1500g)
25 €

(840g, 30x25cm)
17 €

09_Ear case
(only case-green on the picture, 1pc)
5 €

10_Hand-knee case
(only case-green on the picture, 1pc)
6 €

11_Wast case
(only case-green on the picture)
18 €

12_Neck case
(only case-green on the picture)
18 €

13_Sitting cushion case
(only case-green on the picture 30×25)
16 €

Logo, emblem
There also is a possibility to put an emblem on the TermoKlik bags.

Cash on delivery package fee

България Bulgária
up to 1 kg 8 €
up to 2 kg 9 €
up to 5 kg 11 €
up to 10 kg 15 €

Hrvatska Horvátország
up to 1 kg 9 €
up to 2 kg 10 €
up to 5 kg 12 €
up to 10 kg 15 €

Eesti Észtország
up to 1 kg 16 €
up to 2 kg 17 €
up to 5 kg 22 €
up to 10 kg 31 €

Italia Olaszország
up to 1 kg 15 €
up to 2 kg 17 €
up to 5 kg 33 €
up to 10 kg 50 €

Latvija Lettország
up to 1 kg 16 €
up to 2 kg 17 €
up to 5 kg 23 €
up to 10 kg 32 €

Lietuva Litvánia
up to 1 kg 14 €
up to 2 kg 14,5 €
up to 5 kg 18 €
up to 10 kg 34 €

Polska Lengyelország
up to 1 kg 6,5 €
up to 2 kg 7 €
up to 5 kg 8 €
up to 10 kg 10 €

România Románia
up to 1 kg 7 €
up to 2 kg 7 €
up to 5 kg 8 €
up to 10 kg 13 €
Parcel delivery fee, in case of 100% prepayment of the price of the products
(no cash on delivery)

Belgium Belgium
up to 1 kg 12 €
up to 2 kg 13 €
up to 5 kg 18 €
up to 10 kg 35 €

Danmark Dánia
up to 1 kg 15 €
up to 2 kg 16 €
up to 5 kg 17 €
up to 10 kg 22 €

Suomi Finnország
up to 1 kg 23 €
up to 2 kg 24 €
up to 5 kg 28 €
up to 10 kg 35 €

France Franciaország
up to 1 kg 12 €
up to 2 kg 16 €
up to 5 kg 21 €
up to 10 kg 28 €

Lëtzebuerg Luxemburg
up to 1 kg 14 €
up to 2 kg 19 €
up to 5 kg 25 €
up to 10 kg 34 €
Warm Up® re-usable heat pads make it possible to take cosy warmth with you wherever you go. By the crystallization the liquid inside the pad we get huge amount of heat. The process of the crystallization can be started by the user easily anytime and anywhere by flexing the disc inside the pad. The Warm UP® pad can be recharged easily and quickly and used hundreds of times again.
The Warm UP® pads can be used in a wide range of fields, such as health care: rheumatism, backache, earache, tension, injury to joints, or when doing outside winter sports, camping in cold wet weather, hunting, fishing etc. as well as in beauty business and a lot of other activities.
The big advantage of Warm UP® pads is that it does not require electricity and it gets disinfected in the hot water when it is recharged.
1. Take the small metal disc (“starter”) inside the Warm UP® pad between thumb and index finger using both hands.
2. Firmly flex the disc 4-5 times until the liquid crystalizes, turning white and becoming warm (up to approximately 50-53°C). If it does not start to crystalize repeat the whole process a few times.
3. During the crystallization massage the Warm UP® pad for a short time to distribute the heat evenly. The Warm UP® pad will cool gradually between 30 minutes and 1 hour depending on its size, thermal insulation and the ambient temperature.
1. Place the cold and hard Warm UP® pad into a pan full of water – you need to put some clothes at the bottom and side of the pan for lining, so that the pad cannot burn. Always use an appropriate size of pan which is big enough for the pad, (if it is a real big size of a pad you can even use an oven pan). Never stretch or fold the already hard pad!
2. Heat the water up to at least 90 degrees Centigrade and keep it at that heat till the contents in the Warm UP® pad turn transparent and the white crystals disappear completely, this can take approximately 10-15 minutes. Take care not to boil it longer than needed!
3. Take the Warm UP® pad from the pan and let it cool. Be careful when lifting the pad out of the pan. It should not touch the hot side of the pan, because it may cause damage. The WarmUP® pad can be reactivated after it cools down and this process can be repeated hundreds of times. Caution! Do not use the pad immediately after boiling as it is very hot and can cause burns.
DO NOT HEAT the Warm UP® pad in microwave!
YOU MUST NOT flex or bend the hard pad because it can torn or cracks can appear which destroys it permanently.
YOU MUST NOT step on it, jump on it or cut it with a sharp object. Be careful when lifting the pad out of the pan that it does not touch the hot side of the hot pan, because it may get burnt or torn.
Protect the pan from being hit, pressed or getting into contact with dissolving agents.
The Warm UP® “Sole warmers” are NOT SOLE INLINERS, they can be used to warm up the shoes or your feet but after cooling down they crystalizes and become hard which is not suitable for walking.
If you finish the recharging process too soon and some crystals do not dissolve the whole pad will crystalize again when it cools down completely. Should this happen repeat the recharging process.
You should always recharge the crystalized product as soon as possible, if it remains crystalized for more than a day some air bubbles can appear after recharging. (It does not destroy the pad it is only not nice to look at it)
If the pad was not used for a long time the crystalizing process might not start after flexing the disc. Should that happen you have to wait for a few minutes and then repeat the whole flexing process. You can try that several times. If it still does not work put the pad into the fridge for a few hours and try again.
People who have circulatory or neurological problems should consult their doctor before use.
The contents of the Warm UP® pad – sodium acetate and water – are safe: non-flammable, non-toxic and environmentally friendly. If the pad is accidentally cut open the liquid will immediately crystallize. Re-use is then impossible. Wash the liquid off skin or clothes with running tap water. Do not swallow the contents. In case of accidental swallowing contact a doctor immediately.
Material of the pad: PVC, Contents of the pad: Sodium acetate and water.
Starter: steel.
Manufactured in the European Union, from qualified European raw materials – Ladrosz Ltd.
The Warm Up® name and logo are legally protected.

Ladrosz Ltd.